About Us
Start-up charitable company on a mission to help people in need to overcome financial challenges through simple tools and community collaboration.
Our Roadmap
Our current state:
Testing our message and value proposition
Validating our tools, products and services
Looking for volunteers and doners who share similar values
Our Story
Get to Know Us
A seed in the heart of one founder was placed to help the beautiful family of five of the other founder.
A desire to own a house uncovered an undesired financial debt for one of the founders.
The affliction turned into a basic excel-based app, then became the vision and inspiration of the Unity platform, and three initial free apps for the community.
A job lost for the other founder gave the team an opportunity to turn the vision into reality.
Our Values
Afflictions, to overcome together with discipline
Love, to give freely to the community
Wisdom, to share and empower others in order to make our community a better place for all
Gratitude, to act with faith and attract immediate positive rewards
Relationships, to multiply, protect and inspire the community
Trust, to sustain a healthy community
Service, to impact and contribute to the community
Sacrifice, to go up we must give up - time and money
Any desert can turn into a peaceful place